Thursday, October 11, 2007

i love to take pictures. i especially love to take pictures of connley. he is so sweet, so cute, and so fun!


Jacob Speirs said...

Connley is the cutest kid I know! I love him!

mIcHellE said...

ya know we can see pictures of connley!!! and you too of course! I'll give you a call soon. Love ya

JONESIES said...

check out our blog, i accidently posted with the wrong account

*katie said...

So fun! Connley is adorable:) I added your link to my blog so I can check it out all the time!

Paula said...

Jenn, Such a cute blog. All of those pics of Connley are so cute. We miss you guys!

Connley's High Tech Space Shuttle

Connley and I built a space shuttle for him the other day. He kept sitting inside this box that I was meaning to throw away and decided that he was having so much fun with it that we should color it and make it something cool. So it is his NASA space shuttle, called Space Shuttle Connley. Once completed I had him sit in it and I pushed him around the apartment until I just about fell over dead (like after one minute!). So, that was our fun little project!

Connley's Halloween Costume

Connley's Halloween Costume

connley photo shoot

connley photo shoot

a tired little boy...

a tired little boy...

what a good sport!